Refer to this thread I answered, all the info you need is there. Even just using simple video filters in OBS is very complex, more so than need be. If you are having a hard time understanding any of what I've said, I really don't understand why you'd want to use OBS, unless you are streaming, and even then, it's a lot less complex just to use ShadowPlay with OBS. Suit yourself, but I thoroughly explained why I use ShadpowPlay and Avidemux, and they're both a LOT easier to use than OBS, and offer things OBS doesn't, which saves time and makes things much simpler. Most have to watch a lengthy tutorial just to know how to use OBS, and even then it has a lot of strange quirks. The main reasons I don't like OBS is you cannot use it for cached recording like you can with ReLive and ShadowPlay, you cannot resize to larger res, and it's controls are very non intuitive. Thus you will have to use another tool to resize to 1440p after you capture the file with OBS. It will only scale to resolutions lower than your native display res. You cannot resize a 1080p capture to 1440p with it, neither while the capture is made, nor after. Not possible, as advanced as OBS is, there's one crucial thing of what I mentioned it will not do. File size is not a problem since I have fiber. Once you are done with it, save your video file.Could you convert your information into OBS settings? I like to use obs because of the extra HUD options aso. Set audio stream to “AAC (Faac)” and configure its settings.

constant rate factor so that the quality of video remains same. Now configure its settings and the only option that you have to change is encoding process. The next step is to set video stream to MPEG-4 AVC. The first step is to launch Avudemux on your PC and load the desired video files into it. Here are some steps that will guide you on how to reduce video size with Avidemux. Steps for compressing videos using Avidemux: You can change format and size of videos with this software without losing quality in a convenient manner. However, there is a loss of quality while resizing video but you can avoid it with the help of some video editing programs such as Avidemux. Videos compression is necessary if you want to upload your video on website because web does not accept large files with great ease.